Project 1 conclusion

At beginning of this project, I really had a hard time coming up with a solid idea in my mind because this is a new experience for me - to design and build something that reconstruct personal space. I've never been thinking about the idea of my personal space, nor have I worked on it. After doing several brainstorming I've identified couple of problems with my personal space, I've got the idea about saving and reorganizing space in my personal space, which is my room. Then I first designed the foldable storage box to solve this problem. However, it didn't really work due to material for building it, and the worse thing is that it was only a weekend before the project is due. Under this situation, all I can do was trying to reconstruct existing object into something I want. Then I designed this multi-use shelf.
My deign proposal for solving my problem is to save, and make better use of my personal space. The concept of this shelf is to organize things by putting it on higher place with minimum space, so I used peg wood to make things can be hung on the wall. This shelf dose a fairly good job on hanging that. Another fancy feature that I added for the shelf is lights. It works pretty well on serving as a night lamp. My friend also suggested me to paste different color of cellophane on inner wall and put a spinning plate under the shelf so that it can be a disco ball for parties. I might try this idea in some of my friends' place when there's party.
Since this project is done in rush, there is something that I might want to change or fix. First the bottom area of shelf is small so it can only store things like books or something not bigger than that. I think this can only be fixed by reforming bigger shelf. Another thing is that I can to make or attach couple of platforms on the middle of shelf walls. This will expand its space for placing objects. What I did for this is inserting two largest hanger on mid-wall for support and place a piece of board just like this:

It works well if I don't put something heavy. Also, since this shelf is too big to bring to class, I only show images of my project for presentation. Some of my reviewing peers wished to see the actual size of it, so here's the picture of me and shelf:

It's about the same height as me.

To sum up, I personally think this project allowed me to learn how to identify to problem myself and solving it. This really is a good experience to me. Also, another lesson I've learned is that never change my mind for a six-week project on the weekend before it's due, or it will just ruin a weekend!

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